There are two MacLeay families that I have researched and it seems that they are not related, but I am related to both.
The first one is the family of Donald MacLeay and Effie Graham. They are my 4th great grandparents. They had three children that I know of; Ann, b.1788, Kenneth, b. 1794 and John, b. 1801. All of the children emigrated from Upper Shader to Bruce County, Ontario with their families. John MacLeay was first married to Ann MacDonald and they had eight children. After her death John married Margaret MacDonald and they had three children. John first settled in Huron Township then moved to Lindsay Township.
John's eldest son Allan, b. 1822, married Ann MacDonald and together they had 10 children. Allan and family lived on Con. 7, Lot 26 in Huron Township.
John's son George, b. 1825, married Ann MacIver, the sister of my great grandmother.
Kenneth MacLeay married Mary MacDonald of North Dell, Lewis and they had eight children. Kenneth settled first in the Eastern Townships of Quebec and in 1860 moved to Huron Township in Bruce County.
Ann MacLeay, daughter of Donald and Effie, married Colin MacLeay. I have been told that these two MacLeay families were not related but on Lewis every one is related to everyone as they say.
Colin and Ann Macleay are my 3rd great grandparents.
I have more extensive information on these families and their descendants. If anyone needs help with thes MacLeays, I am willing to share what I have.